  • Materials Mgmt
  • Inventory Mgmt
  • Customer Mgmt
  • Suppliers Mgmt
  • Barcoding
  • Accounting & GL
  • Job Scheduling
  • Locations/Transfers
  • Delivery Scheduling
  • Reports & Analysis

Add-On Modules.   Making it easier.

Customer Service. Giving your customers the service they need when they need it. Purchasing, Easy. Have your suppliers work for you, and reduce the time it takes receiving orders.
There�s an App for That. The management tools you need in an easy to use Iphone application Real Time Updates. Web site inventory maintenance is a breeze, what happens in the software happens on the web site.
Showroom Efficiency. Customers and home owners can keep track of the materials they like on a touch screen computer station. Sales on the Road. Employees on the road can have access to the information they need with their cell phone.
So Many Choices. Help your customers decide with the use of a customizing virtual kitchen/bathroom designer. Sales From the Web. Make Sales directly from your web site, and expand your customer reach.